

Aftershocks of various magnitudes could occur over the next two weeks, Central Weather 合法借錢管道Bureau Director-General Shin Tzay-chyn (辛在勤) said.

There have been n個人信貸銀行比較o reports of major damag高雄融資借錢個人信貸試算e軍公教信用貸款銀行 following the earthquake, Tainan and Kaohsiung authorities said.

One person in Tainan and three people in Kaohsiung sustained minor injuries in the earthquake and were sent to hospitals for treatment, the National Fire Agency said.

汽車貸款利率試算高雄代書借款青年留學貸款汽車貸款試算表The nation’s strongest earthquake so far this year, centered off the coast of Tainan, jolted residents in the southern municipality just one year after 117 people were killed in a strong earthquake that hit Tainan and Kaohsiung高雄借錢網.借錢急用

新聞來源:青年首購2017TAIPEI TIMES

A local intensity level of 6 was felt i合法民間借貸n個人信用小額借貸 Tainan, which has a population of 1.88 million, the bureau said.卡債協商中心

The earthquake also left about 50,000 households in eastern Tainan without electricity, but po急需現金救急wer was quickly restored, Tainan authorities said高雄貸款公司.借錢救急管道

Taiwan’s intensity scale, which ranges from zero to sev軍人貸款郵局en, measures the degree to which the earth shakes at a particular location.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (台積電) and United Microel急需現金周轉e個人信貸查詢ctronics Corp (聯電), Taiwan’s two leading semiconductor foundries, said that their operations in Tai高雄民間代書貸款nan were only affected to a minimal degree by the earthquake.

The epicenter of yesterday’s earth公司如何跟銀行借錢quake, which struck at 1:12am, was 12.2km southwest of Tainan City Hall at a depth of 18.4km, Central Weather Bureau seismology data showed高雄汽車借款免留車.汽車借錢設定

In Kaohsiung and Pingtung County south of the epi前置協商經驗cent青年創業貸款上課er and Chiayi, Yunlin and Changhua counties north of the epicenter, local intensity levels of 3 to 4 were felt, the bureau said.

/ Staff嘉義房貸銀行 writer, with CNA

In Tainan, a few cases of ceiling d個人信用貸款比較a汽車借款行照mage and people being trapped in elev卡債協商專線ators were reported.


高雄市汽車借款Early yeste花旗預借現金r軍人貸款利息day there was a magnitude 4.2 aftershock, he said.

Four people were 花旗銀行預借現金injured in a magnitude 5.6 earthquake that hit southern Taiwan early yesterday, while a power outage caused by the temblor was resolved shortly afterward, authorities said.青年購屋首貸


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